We have made a full-scale revision on our Static HTML service charge.
We have made a full-scale revision on our Static HTML service charge. Since we started the Static HTML service on March 10, 2011, the number of usage has increased and now reached a cumulative total of 45,000. To commemorate this event, we have reviewed our service charge system and made a full scale revision including our three paid plans. With this revision we hope to make our service readily and widely available to number of enterprises.
■Changes made on the service charge
Static HTML is a HTML base application for homepage designers, which enables them to easily add contents to Facebook page. It allows you to freely express your ideas using HTML.
For our service, we had so far provided a free plan and three paid plans, Y10,000, Y30,000 and Y50,000 (monthly) for our service. We integrated the three paid plans, and now we offer only two charge types, one free plan and one paid plan.
Details for the paid plan:
・Number of tabs (pages) available: up to 10 tabs (pages)
・File upload capacity: 100MB (support image files and FLASH files)
・Static HTML reference displayed: no display
・Initial cost: none
・Monthly charge (tax included): Y1,050 (pay by PayPal)
This change will apply to all the users who have already been subscribing to our paid plans.
Note, for free plan users, only 1 tab (page) and upload capacity up to 1MB are available.
Go to below site to download Static HTML